Drilling unit co-owned by Dyas, 1965.

Dyas: the quest for gas

With the discovery of a large natural gas reserve in the Netherlands, SHV forms a subsidiary to join the hunt for new sources. Dyas is founded in 1964. Together with operator Amoco from the USA and German outfit Gelsenberg, the new consortium begins its first exploration in the area north of Amsterdam the same year. Through persistent efforts, the project eventually becomes a success and Dyas continues to explore new possibilities – offshore as well as onshore.

The energy transition

A growing demand for energy triggers the search for natural gas fields. In 1959, the Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij (Dutch Petroleum Company – NAM) discovers a huge natural gas field near Groningen, in the north-eastern part of the Netherlands. In partnership with the Dutch state, NAM brings the field onstream in 1963.

And the 1960s sees more changes in the Dutch energy market. A nuclear power plant opens in the north-west of the country in 1960. These new sources of energy lead to falling interest in coal and oil within Dutch society – commodities in which SHV holds a high stake.

A local looks over the installation of pipes at the NAM gas fields near Groningen, c.1964.
A local looks over the installation of pipes at the NAM gas fields near Groningen, c.1964.
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